Lab News

Summer/Fall 2025 PhD position

February 2025 update: This position has been filled.

We have a fully funded PhD position available for summer/fall of 2025! Please see the ad below with instructions on how to apply.

Lab News

Fall 2024 MS position

We have a fully funded MS position available for fall of 2024! Please see the ad below with instructions on how to apply. Note the preferred application deadline is April 5, 2024.

Lab News

Postdoc position in agricultural climate impacts and adaptation

We are hiring a postdoctoral researcher at Colorado State University to lead analyses of agricultural climate risks and adaptation! This position is part of the new AI Institute for Climate-Land Interactions, Mitigation, Adaptation, Tradeoffs, and Economy (AI-CLIMATE). Please see the official job posting for details and instructions on how to apply. The full-consideration date is January 15th.

Note this is a repost of an earlier announcement about this position due to a server outage.

Lab News

Launch of Environmental Research: Food Systems

We are excited to share that Nathan is serving as the inaugural Editor-in-Chief for Environmental Research: Food Systems, a multidisciplinary, open access journal devoted to addressing the science of sustainable food systems in a way that bridges efforts relating to global change, resilience, mitigation, adaptation, security and solutions in the broadest sense. For detailed information about subject coverage see the ERFS About the journal webpage.

Lab News

Postdoc Position in Ag Climate Impacts

Postdoctoral Researcher: Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Water Resources

The Department of Ecosystem Science & Sustainability and the Department of Soil & Crop Sciences at Colorado State University (CSU) invite applications for a Postdoctoral Scholar to analyze climate change impacts on agriculture and water resources. The postdoc’s primary mentor will be Dr. Nathan Mueller. Resources are available for conference and workshop travel.

The ideal candidate will have demonstrated success in academic publishing, relevant domain expertise, excellent written and oral communication, and considerable experience with quantitative data analysis of environmental and spatial datasets (e.g., using Matlab, R, or Python). A PhD in environmental science or a related discipline is required at the start of the appointment. The start date is flexible.

To apply and view a full position description please visit:
by October 1, 2021, for full consideration.

For more information on the lab group, please visit: For questions related to this position please contact Dr. Nathan Mueller at:

CSU is an EO/EA/AA employer and conducts background checks on all final candidates.

Lab News

Awards and Accolades

Some exciting news to share:

  • Postdoctoral researcher Lindsey Sloat’s paper on crop migration in Nature Communications was awarded a Warner College of Natural Resources Outstanding Publication Award. Congratulations Lindsey!
  • Former postdoctoral researcher Yue Qin’s paper on agricultural risks from changing snowmelt was recognized in a highlight for Nature Climate Change’s 10th Anniversary. Congrats Yue!
  • Incoming graduate students Avery Driscoll and Marian Hsieh were awarded three-year NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. Avery was also awarded an InTERFEWS traineeship. Congratulations to Avery and Marian!
  • Nathan Mueller was awarded the Warner College of Natural Resources Dean’s Award for Excellence to an Early Career Faculty Member and the AGU Global Environmental Change Early Career Award.

Image credit: @tkoukas, Unsplash

Lab News

Summer 2020 Lab News

Wow, it has been an eventful year, to say the least. We hope everyone is staying healthy and sane.

First of all, a big welcome to Eunkyoung Choi, new PhD student in the Ecosystem Sustainability program! Kyoung recently finished her masters in atmospheric science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where she studied the past and future of terrestrial carbon fluxes. Prior to her graduate studies, she was an environmental consultant working in South Korea and Japan. Kyoung is interested in studying climate risks to food, energy, and water systems for her dissertation.

And farewell (officially, at least!) to Quinn Herbine, who joined us from Virginia Tech over the summer for a USDA-funded REEU. Quinn recently presented her poster mapping vegetation traits of global agricultural systems. Thanks to Kaye Holman, John Moore, and others who facilitated this great REEU program.

Finally, it’s been a busy year for research, and congrats to Lindsey and Yue on their recent publications! Check out the publications page for all of our latest papers on climate impacts and adaptation, including adaptation through crop migration to examining snowmelt water resources for agriculture. Note the Nature Climate Change cover with a photo of Colorado Front Range irrigation (above)!

Lab News

PhD position(s) for fall 2020

We are recruiting 1-2 graduate students to start fall 2020!

Come join us in beautiful northern Colorado (photo: Rocky Mountain National Park, about an hour away from campus)! Graduate degrees can be pursued through the Ecosystem Sustainability graduate program and the Soil and Crop Sciences graduate program. The preferred application deadline is February 1. More details are on the People page (scroll down to Research Opportunities).

Lab News

We’ve moved!

The Mueller Lab has moved! We’re excited to be here at Colorado State University – in beautiful Fort Collins, Colorado – as part of both the Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability and the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences. To better communicate our research, we’ve also come up with a new name: the Agricultural Sustainability and Climate Impacts (ASCI) Lab. Now all we need is an ASCII art logo …